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San Diego Craft Collective Opens its Doors!

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San Diego Craft Collec­tive is opening its doors in the Arts District at Liberty Station in San Diego. 4 curated bench spaces are avail­able, and fall classes kick off begin­ning in September.

San Diego Craft Collec­tive, a San Diego-based nonprofit is opening in August in the vibrant commu­nity of Liberty Station, San Diego. The mission is to be a resource for the commu­nity where indi­vid­u­als of all ages can learn skilled crafts. As a 501c3 nonprofit, the Craft Collec­tive hosts activ­i­ties and classes that empower, incite confi­dence, and create happi­ness in a family friendly, eco-friendly envi­ron­ment. They are commit­ted to creat­ing a safe, educa­tional, and inspir­ing learn­ing space for both chil­dren and adults using safe mate­ri­als and prac­tices. In addi­tion, the Craft Collec­tive supports crafts­peo­ple and artists inter­ested in growing their prac­tice. One way is by offer­ing bench space in a collab­o­ra­tive envi­ron­ment. See the website for more details.

It’s our belief that build­ing the skills of a person’s hands creates a more confi­dent, content indi­vid­ual.” — Founder and Board Pres­i­dent Steffi Dotson