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The Return of…SLIDE WARS!

Slide Wars” is a fun and infor­mal get-together at FS confer­ences where atten­dees show digital images and talk about their work, on the big screen to a large, mostly infor­mal audi­ence.
Think: Insta­gram in person, you’re narrat­ing, in hyperspace.”

Begin­ners to expert level, all are welcome to participate!


  • Email up to FIVE (5) high reso­lu­tion, digital images or PDF files to hayami.​arakawa@​gmail.​com before June 7
  • Videos are welcome as well, but must be under 2.5 minutes
  • Please include your name, title of piece (if any), and loca­tion (if warranted)
  • You can also bring a 2.0 (stan­dard) thumb drive, jump drive, pen drive, dongle, or USB memory stick to the confer­ence and hand it off to Hayami in person on Thurs­day or Friday before 12pm