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Joshua Enck

Sculp­tor, designer, drafts­man, and illus­tra­tor

Joshua Enck

Joshua Enck is a sculp­tor, designer, drafts­man, and illus­tra­tor who teaches and main­tains an active studio prac­tice in Rochester, New York. He trained as an archi­tect and a furni­ture designer, receiv­ing his MFA in furni­ture design from the Rhode Island School of Design and his BSAS from the School of Archi­tec­ture at the Univer­sity of Illi­nois. He taught for ten years at RISD: drawing, three-dimen­­sional design, tech­ni­cal drawing, wood­work­ing, and metal­work­ing. He has also taught wood­work­ing at the Ander­son Ranch Arts Center, sculp­ture at Williams College, and drawing at the Univer­sity of Illi­nois and the Univer­sity of Rochester.

Learn more about Joshua here

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