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Heide Martin

Furniture Designer, Maker and Educator

Heide Martin

Heide founded Heide Martin Design studio in 2016 together with her husband and business partner Patrick Coughlin. Heide is the Creative Director of HMDS and manages all levels of design, from the design of furniture and housewares to the nitty-gritty of web page layout, marketing materials, and invoice templates.

Alongside her woodworking practice, Heide pursues her commitment to craft through creative collaborations, residencies, grants, publishing, and teaching. Heide has been a resident and visiting artist at San Diego State University, Maine College of Art and Design, Center for Art in Wood, and Center for Furniture Craftsmanship. Her teaching experience includes furniture design at Escuela de Artes y Oficios Santo Domingo, seat weaving at Haystack, and assistantships at the University of Washington and Center for Furniture Craftsmanship.


FB: Heide Martin Design Studio

Conference Sessions