Photographing Your Artwork
Camera, Phone, Lighting, and More!
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 / 7 – 8:30pm EDT
How can a great photograph help sell your artwork?
As an artist, capturing the essence of your work through photography can be a challenging task. It’s not just about showcasing your creation but also about conveying the details, scale, and overall beauty of the piece. Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to best photograph the work you create. Aesthetics, lighting, placement, and a variety of compositions will be discussed.
Individual Session Pricing:
$10 — Student Members
$25 — Members
$35 — Non-Members
6‑Session Bundle Pricing:
(6 sessions for the price of 5)
$50 — Student Members
$125 — Members
$175 — Non-Members
The Furniture Society would like to thank the Schooner Foundation and The Bresler Foundation for supporting this initiative. Without their support, the Nuts & Bolts professional development programming and scholarships would not be possible!