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Income Taxes for Artists & Self-Employed


Wednesday, Oct 23 7:00 – 8:30

Artist tax prep

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 — 7 – 8:30pm

What’s the differ­ence between a deduc­tion, a tax credit, and a busi­ness expense? Can I really write that off? How do I avoid a surprise tax bill as a self-employed person? Farrell Parker — owner of Artist Tax Prep — covers these ques­tions and more in our upcom­ing income tax workshop.

Artist Tax Prep’s mission is to elim­i­nate the panic and shame that many expe­ri­ence as part of the annual income tax filing process, by way of afford­able, sustain­able tax prepa­ra­tion services. Made up entirely of self-employed artists, Artist Tax Prep is partic­u­larly posi­tioned to serve inde­pen­dent artists and others striv­ing, surviv­ing, and thriv­ing in the gig economy. Tax law wasn’t written for artists; Artist Tax Prep was built for them.

In this work­shop, we’ll take a detailed look at track­ing income and expenses for tax purposes as a self-employed person. We’ll debunk some common myths about income taxes and provide rele­vant tax law updates, as well as answer indi­vid­ual ques­tions. Partic­i­pants will also benefit from a discount on working with Artist Tax Prep in the future.

Do you have ques­tions you would like Farrell to address during the presen­ta­tion?
Please email those to education.​director@​furnituresociety.​org. We will make sure to forward those to Farrell ahead of the event.

Session Pricing:

$10 — Student Members

$25 — Members

$35 — Non-Members

Schooner Scholarships

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, October 23, 2024 — 11:55pm ET

The Schooner Foun­da­tion is gener­ously support­ing five schol­ar­ships for access to this October’s profes­sional devel­op­ment presen­ta­tion: Income Taxes for Artists & Self-Employed, one 25-minute mentor­ship session, and a 1‑year member­ship to The Furniture Society

The Furni­ture Society would like to thank the Schooner Foun­da­tion and The Bresler Foun­da­tion for support­ing this initia­tive. Without their support, the Nuts & Bolts profes­sional devel­op­ment program­ming and schol­ar­ships would not be possible!