Nuts & Bolts: From Getting Noticed to Representation: A Guide to Working With a Gallery
Tuesday, April 11, 6 – 7pm EDT
Are you thinking about working with a gallery? Before you start splitting your profits there are some things that will help you to prepare for your journey. Know what game you’re playing, what types of galleries there are and how they may be able to help you and your career. This presentation will talk through some basic etiquette that will help you get what you want without having to be a jerk and more importantly, how to build upon your successes. We will cover how to get noticed, how and when to send out your portfolio and how to rise to the top of an open call. It will walk you through what to expect from consignment agreements, how to negotiate them, how to protect and sell your work while gaining exposure.
Presentation Pricing:
Free for Student Members
$15 Member
$25 Non-Member
Tuesday, April 11, 7:15 – 8:45pm EDT
Workshop participants will consider their short and long term goals for working with a gallery, then will build their own press packet for gallery distribution that will help them rise to the top of an open call or maybe even introduce themselves to a space that isn’t offering open calls. Participants will share images, super short bios and concise work statements. Each will receive personalized feedback on their materials to help build a positive first impression. We will also discuss to whom, how, and when to send these materials and best practices for following up to both a rejection and an acceptance.
Workshop Pricing:
$35 Student
$50 Member
$75 Non-Member