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WOO Workshop with Phoebe Kuo: Coopering


Tuesday, Jun 22 6:00 – 8:00

Please note that all session times are in Eastern Daylight Time

Cooper­ing, a tech­nique tradi­tion­ally used to make buckets and barrels, has been adapted to other contexts with excit­ing results. In furni­ture and sculp­ture, cooper­ing allows us to construct custom curves without the use of steam, heat, or force. We will look at diverse exam­ples of cooper­ing used by contem­po­rary crafts­peo­ple, both in wood and across other mediums. We will talk about the concep­tual poten­tials of cooper­ing, and how the instruc­tor uses this tech­nique to propose alter­na­tive narra­tives around space, power, and belong­ing. Finally, Phoebe will show how she creates her work in her compact apart­ment studio with minimal machinery.