Show Us Your...Collections
Please note that all session times are in Eastern Daylight Time
What do you collect?
Do you have a love for collecting?
When did you start collecting?
What items do you have multiples of?
Join us for a fun and interactive conversation around why and what you collect.
Katie Hudnall will kick off the evening by showing us what she collects and why it’s important to her. She would like all who participate to share their own ways of thinking about collections.
Here are some of Katie’s:
Collections are physical objects, nuts, pencils, tools, materials etc.
Collections are people and practices — movements, rituals, teams, collaborations
Collections are memories — the term “recollection” is about the collection of memories, right?
- Collections are archives — patterns that say something about the our cultures and worlds
shared by communities — libraries, museums, gardens, albums
personal — “I collect images of trees that have been cut away from power lines, I collect types of clouds, words that sound similar to each other but mean very different things (worrier vs. warrior, chapstick vs. chopstick), and collective nouns”
We hope you will consider sharing your collection!
This event is free and open to all who want to join in on the fun!