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Craft for a Greater Good: Our Story!


Friday, Jun 18 3:00 – 5:00

Craft for a Greater Good: Our Story!

Please note that all session times are in Eastern Daylight Time

2021 Resi­dent Fellows Annie Evelyn and Ellie Richards will share the origin story of Craft for a Greater Good, how it has evolved over the past three years, and specif­i­cally what they’ve worked to develop this year. Craft for a Greater Good is comprised of many part­ner­ships that are constantly growing, the 2021 collab­o­ra­tion joins FS with UNCA Steam Studio and BeLoved Asheville with the goal of furnish­ing the small homes designed as deeply afford­able housing for those living through the current housing crisis. Join these two for a lively presen­ta­tion on CGG’s story and live tour of the BeLoved Village!