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Incorporating Sustainable Practices and Materials in Furniture Design and Production


Tuesday, Jun 22 3:00 – 4:30

Incorporating Sustainable Practices and Materials in Furniture Design and Production

Please note that all session times are in Eastern Daylight Time

A panel presen­ta­tion involv­ing Bruce Schuet­tinger’s prac­tices as a designer and studio furni­ture maker address­ing how he incor­po­rates various sustain­able prac­tices in his furni­ture designs and produc­tion. This would include a discus­sion on the types of sustain­ably sourced and produced mate­ri­als he uses; their phys­i­cal prop­er­ties; how these prop­er­ties posi­tively affect the appear­ance and usage of the piece of furni­ture; and what are the appro­pri­ate joinery, adhe­sives, and finish­ing systems for these prod­ucts. This discus­sion would also include the use of recy­cled or upcy­cled mate­ri­als and the use of often discarded mate­ri­als from the furni­ture produc­tion process. These topics will include where a maker could obtain the mate­ri­als, what is the effi­cacy of utiliz­ing a portion of a previ­ous craftsman’s work in a new a work of furni­ture or art, and the health risks asso­ci­ated with the use of older recycled materials.

This initial segment will be followed by his daugh­ter, Alison Schuet­tinger, presen­ta­tion on Bioma­te­ri­als. It will then be followed by a presen­ta­tion from a repre­sen­ta­tive from Eco-Supply address­ing a number of prod­ucts, which they sell and how they are used in the indus­try. A sepa­rate Q & A session will be conducted in between each presenter.

Porta De Soul
Porta De Soul

In a climate change era, as design­ers, we have an ethical respon­si­bil­ity to consider the complete life cycle of the stuff we create. Utiliz­ing prin­ci­ples of systems think­ing and design, Alison will be present­ing on alter­na­tive mate­ri­als for making prod­ucts and furni­ture by show­cas­ing her design studen­t’s works as exam­ples. As a sustain­able systems teacher, she will briefly intro­duce the bigger picture of climate change and pollu­tion (marine plastic pollu­tion, textile waste, defor­esta­tion) as a result of a current and outdated linear system for how we as humans in a capi­tal­ized western world have been primar­ily making our stuff. Her students at Parsons School of Design explore various mate­ri­als and methods for how to shift the wicked prob­lems of our time into oppor­tu­ni­ties for making stuff that is more just and sustain­able. Alison will show­case student exam­ples of design­ing furni­ture out of all reclaimed and up-cycled mate­ri­als and creat­ing prod­ucts out of kombucha leather and mycelium foam. In addi­tion to student exam­ples, Alison will include a variety of compa­nies and exam­ples of indige­nous tech­nol­ogy that work with Nature to create a product.

A S Parsons Student Jack Lent Kombucha Leather
A S Parsons Student Veronica Speyer Mycelium Foam