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2021 Steffi Dotson Service Award


Thursday, Jun 24 4:15 – 4:30

Congratulations to Megan Tilston & Chelsea Witt — The 2021 Steffi Dotson Service Award Recipients!

Please note that all session times are in Eastern Daylight Time

Join us on Thurs­day, June 24 at 4:15pm as we cele­brate and thank Megan Tilston & Chelsea Witt for their generos­ity, many years of service to The Furni­ture Society, and tire­lessly manag­ing our commu­ni­ca­tions and social media! 

This cele­bra­tion will take place during Around the Water­cooler: Open Conver­sa­tion & Reflections

Megan Tilston Award Headshot

I began volun­teer­ing with the Furni­ture Society in 2017 after my daugh­ter was born. Former Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Brigitte Martin placed an open call for volun­teers to join the Commu­ni­ca­tions team, and it seemed like a great way to stay connected with the furni­ture making commu­nity while I was on a hiatus from the work­shop. It’s been excit­ing to watch the Furni­ture Society grow through new initia­tives such as FS Connects and Craft For A Greater Good, and I’m honored to be able to share these initia­tives and promote the work of our incred­i­ble members. Being involved with such an inspir­ing orga­ni­za­tion repre­sent­ing a diverse group of makers has been a reward­ing expe­ri­ence, and I’m proud to work with so many wonderful people.”

Chelse Witt Headshot for Award

I was approached by a mentor who encour­aged me to get involved with the Furni­ture Society. Commu­nity is some­thing that is incred­i­bly impor­tant to me and is really the fuel to my fire when it comes to creat­ing work. Getting involved with the Furni­ture Society made a lot of sense in terms of wanting to meet and be connected to others who are passion­ate about the same things as I. I had no idea though the amount of support and uplift­ment I’d even­tu­ally gain from being a part of this commu­nity. I enjoy volun­teer­ing for FS because it gives me the oppor­tu­nity to facil­i­tate other’s expe­ri­ences and hope­fully help them find a place that feels welcom­ing and contrib­u­tory to their personal practices.”

The award is named in honor of past President Steffanie Dotson whose dedication and service during her tenure as President and as a Trustee ensured The Furniture Society’s continuing strength and accomplishments during a period of great transition.

This year, The Furniture Society is pleased to celebrate Megan Tilston and Chelsea Witt as the recipients of the 2021 Steffi Dotson Service Award.