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Collaborating Together: Inspirations Sparked at Frogwood Collab


Tuesday, Nov 16 7:00 – 8:00

Please note that all session times are in eastern time

Where do you find inspi­ra­tion in your prac­tice? How do you make time to recharge and incor­po­rate fresh ideas in your work? What happens when a group of artists come face to face with no other distrac­tions and are invited to think outside their boxes?

Metal­smith, Kristin Mitsu Shiga and furni­ture maker, Kimberly Winkle take us on a journey of their creative connec­tions forged during their recent expe­ri­ence at Frog­wood Collab, and share insight into why collab­o­ra­tions, part­ner­ships, and ideas exchange at other retreats includ­ing Echo Lake Collab­o­ra­tive Confer­ence, EMMA Inter­na­tional Collab­o­ra­tion, and World Wood Day are mean­ing­ful and impor­tant for makers.




Student Members: Free

Indi­vid­ual Members: $10

Non-Members: $15

Email: All regis­trants will receive a confir­ma­tion email with a zoom link and a reminder email the day before the event.

Unfor­tu­nately no refunds will be offered.

Special Note:
If you like the programs we’re produc­ing, please consider making a tax deductible dona­tion. All dona­tions help support the produc­tion of future educa­tional programs. Thank you in advance for your support.

This event will be recorded. You must be regis­tered for this event in order to have access to this record­ing. Record­ings will not be made public for the foreseeable future.

Become a Member: Think­ing about joining or renew­ing your member­ship? Member­ship has its bene­fits! Check them out HERE. For further ques­tions about member­ship, email us at info@​furnituresociety.​org

For any ques­tions regard­ing your regis­tra­tion, please email fsconnects@​furnituresociety.​org

Thank you.
