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Joshua Enck

Joshua Enck is a sculp­tor, designer, drafts­man, and illus­tra­tor who teaches and main­tains an active studio prac­tice in Rochester, New York. He trained as an archi­tect and a furni­ture designer, receiv­ing his MFA in furni­ture design from the Rhode Island School of Design and his BSAS from the School of Archi­tec­ture at the Univer­sity of Illi­nois. He taught for ten years at RISD: drawing, three-dimen­sional design, tech­ni­cal drawing, wood­work­ing, and metal­work­ing. He has also taught wood­work­ing at the Ander­son Ranch Arts Center and drawing at the Univer­sity of Illi­nois, Williams College, and the Univer­sity of Rochester. Joshua has exhib­ited his work in solo shows at Simon Gallery, the Univer­sity of Maine Museum of Art, and Space Gallery. The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, the Society of Arts and Crafts in Boston, and the Center for Art in Wood in Philadel­phia have honored his work. Joshua recently returned from five months in India as a Fulbright Nehru Scholar, research­ing tradi­tional metal­smithing and teach­ing at the Sushant School of Design.

Karen Ernst

Karen Ernst is a Profes­sor in the Art Depart­ment at PennWest/​Edinboro Univer­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia, teach­ing Woodworking/​Furniture Design. She holds an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and has over twenty years of wood­work­ing and design expe­ri­ence. Her work has been exhib­ited across the US and is included in many private collec­tions.
Karen is currently the Pres­i­dent of the Board of Trustees of The Furniture Society

Michael Puryear

Michael Puryear is a nation­ally recog­nized designer/​furniture maker and educa­tor prac­tic­ing for more than 40 years. The Museum of Art and Design, The Mint Museum and the Peabody Essex are among the museums that have exhib­ited his work. His work has been published in many books includ­ing Makers: A History of Amer­i­can Studio Craft and Furni­ture with Soul: Master Wood­work­ers and Their Craft . His work is found in major collec­tions most recently the Smith­son­ian Museum of African-Amer­i­can Museum of History & Culture.