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Travis Townsend pic by Kim Winkle

Travis Townsend draws, builds, rebuilds, paints, and tinkers upon wood and mixed media sculp­tures in his Lexing­ton studio. His process-oriented works evolve from sketches and travel through many trans­for­ma­tions before being cut apart, reassem­bled, and reworked (some­times many years later). Parts are often trans­planted or recycled.

Travis studied at Kutz­town Univer­sity (BS) and Virginia Common­wealth Univer­sity (MFA) and has presented solo exhi­bi­tions at The Para­chute Factory, Wash­ing­ton State Univer­sity, Mani­fest Gallery, Doppler PDX, South­west School of Art, Weston Gallery, and the New Arts Program. His work has been included in numer­ous group exhi­bi­tions and appeared in the publi­ca­tions New Amer­i­can Paint­ings, The Mani­fest Inter­na­tional Drawing Annual, and The Penland Book of Woodworking.

He has been a resi­dent artist at Penland School of Craft, Oregon College of Art and Craft, Vermont Studio Center, and Peters Valley School. His awards include an Emerg­ing Artist Grant from the Amer­i­can Craft Council, a fellow­ship from the Kentucky Arts Council, three sculp­ture grants from the Virginia A. Groot Foun­da­tion, and recent travel grants from the Great Meadows Foundation.

Lexington, KY
Wood and mixed media
Professional Status
Artist/ art teacher
Member until Dec 30, 2021
