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Sharon Mehrman 2 M for Google

Sharon C. Mehrman owns and oper­ates a one-woman work­shop in Florence, Mass­a­chu­setts where she designs and builds heir­loom quality furni­ture, archi­tec­tural built-ins, and historic repro­duc­tions. Her work has been juried into nation­ally recog­nized museum exhi­bi­tions and craft shows. Sharon is the Grand Prize recip­i­ent of the 2015 Popular Wood­work­ing Maga­zine Wood­work­ing Excel­lence Awards for The Thread Chest, an art nouveau inspired furni­ture piece commis­sioned by a private collec­tor. With a Master’s of Design and a Grad­u­ate Certifi­cate in Public History from the Univer­sity of Mass­a­chu­setts Amherst, Sharon brings over 30 years’ prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence as a designer and wood­worker to her work as a researcher and histo­rian of mate­r­ial culture, historic wood­work­ing trades, tools, and tech­nol­ogy. In August 2019, she became a research fellow at Winterthur in Delaware contin­u­ing her research on the tran­si­tion from hand­work to machine-based wood­work­ing in the nine­teenth century. She teaches wood­work­ing and furni­ture making, and is the Direc­tor of the Master Furni­ture Program, at Hill Insti­tute in Florence, Mass­a­chu­setts. Visit her website at sharon​makesfur​ni​ture​.com.

Florence, MA
Professional Status
Maker & educator
