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I grad­u­ated from ” The School for Amer­i­can Crafts­men” at Rochester Insti­tute for Tech­nol­ogy in Rochester NY with an AOS degree in 1991. This was an inten­sive two year program in furni­ture design and construc­tion. The program was orig­i­nally taught at Wendell Castle’s studio in Scottsville NY until it was sold to RIT in 1988.

I have been design­ing and build­ing custom furni­ture for my clients from 1991 to present day. My design influ­ences are Art Nouveau, Arts and Crafts, Mission, Art Deco, Mid Century Modern and Asian Archi­tec­ture and furni­ture. I work in a variety of mate­ri­als but primar­ily with domes­tic hard­woods and veneers and some Exotic veneers. I match my mate­ri­als and finishes to each commis­sion accord­ing to what will produce the best piece of furni­ture and show­case the woods used and enhance their beauty. My design philos­o­phy for spec­u­la­tive work is to start with simple forms with good propor­tions and clean lines. Then I add details like simple curves, edge details and custom pulls to enhance the design. I strive for simple elegance. I use the same prin­ci­ples when design­ing for my clients. I work with my clients listen­ing to their specific needs and any to clues as to what kind of direc­tion I should go design wise. I want the piece to meet all of my clients needs at the end of the day. Ulti­mately, I want my client to smile every time they look at the piece in their home. If I can achieve this I then feel I have created a success­ful design as well as an heir­loom piece of furni­ture. This is what feeds my artist soul. 

Scottsville, NY
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