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SG Sedar Plate

Sarah Grace Cheek is a designer, maker and artist based in Earlysville, VA. She holds a BFA from Virginia Common­wealth Univer­sity in Craft & Mate­r­ial Studies where she focused in furni­ture and textile design.

After leading a produc­tion style wood shop for the last 4+ years, Sarah Grace made the leap in summer of 2022 to pursue being an artist full time. Her work centers around nour­ish­ment, useful­ness and joy. She’s enjoyed ventur­ing into the realms of more repre­sen­ta­tional art and explor­ing relief carv­ings. Sarah Grace uses hand carving and power carving tech­niques to create most of her work. Some of her inspi­ra­tion includes bones, rocks, salvaged mate­ri­als and antique textiles includ­ing late 19th to early 20th century quilts, just to name a few things.

Her work is currently avail­able at Accou­tre in Rich­mond, VA and The Barn Swallow Artisan Gallery in Crozet, VA. She will also be teach­ing classes at the Visual Arts Center of Rich­mond in Rich­mond, VA this spring. 

Follow along on IG: @sarah.grace.cheek

Earlysville, VA
Professional Status
Artist/professional maker
