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ARTIST self protrait

Nucharin Wang­phong­sawasd (aka Nucharin with the long last name) is an Artist and Wood­worker based in Bangkok, Thai­land. She has a back­ground in Indus­trial Design. After working for two years, she pursued her grad­u­ate studies in Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture Design at the School for Amer­i­can Crafts, Rochester Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy, Rochester, New York, in 2009. After master­ing her wood­work­ing skills in the US for four years, she relo­cated back to Bangkok in late June 2013 and estab­lished herself as an Artist and Wood­worker. She was a Wingate ITE fellow in 2016, and her work during the resi­dency signif­i­cantly influ­enced her recent work, which focuses on the appli­ca­tion of kerf bending. 

Her works were inspired by repet­i­tive patterns from nature and manmade objects, driven by an explo­ration of forms in the creation of each piece. She is exper­i­ment­ing with differ­ent types of repe­ti­tion and progres­sions through other wood­work­ing tech­niques to create a body of work that hopes to start a natural conver­sa­tion with her audi­ence about the endless possi­bil­i­ties of woodworking. 

She enjoys prac­tic­ing Brazil­ian jiu-jitsu, boxing, watch­ing whales, and spend­ing time in nature in her free time.

Professional Status
Arist & woodworker
