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Rochester, New York trans­plant Naomi Miller designs furni­ture and sculp­tural objects. She is a grad­u­ate of the in Furni­ture Design program at Rochester Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy. Having taken a non-tradi­tional path to this point Naomi has spent most of her career as a Prop­er­ties Artisan build­ing furni­ture at theaters in Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­va­nia. Most notably the Pitts­burgh Public theater and Pittsburg’s City Theater. This path has allowed her to develop a strong sense of how furni­ture as objects inform the char­ac­ter of a space. As well as how the form of an object effects how we commu­ni­cate about and with each other. Naomi received her bachelor’s degree in theater from St. Michelle’s college in Burling­ton Vermont, she was born in Farm­ing­ton Maine and currently lives in Rochester with Her wife and dog pollywog.

Rochester, NY
Wood, furniture, sculpture
Professional Status
