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Boston native Matthew Mosher is an inter­me­dia artist, research profes­sor, and Fulbright Scholar who creates embod­ied expe­ri­en­tial systems. His work explores the inter­sec­tions of fine art, computer program­ming, and crit­i­cal making result­ing in immer­sive instal­la­tions, inter­ac­tive sculp­tures, post-partic­i­pa­tory data visu­al­iza­tions, and dynamic perfor­mances. His projects have engaged themes of medi­ta­tion, gun violence, digital isola­tion, and tangi­ble memory. Mosher creates conduits between digital tech­nol­ogy and mate­r­ial forms to high­light our complex rela­tion­ships with machines and each other. Doing so empow­ers partic­i­pants in his work to see the world from a new perspec­tive while reex­am­in­ing their role in society.

Mosher is currently an Asso­ciate Profes­sor of Games and Inter­ac­tive Media at the Univer­sity of Central Florida. He received his BFA in Furni­ture Design from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2006 and his MFA in Inter­me­dia from Arizona State Univer­sity in 2012. In his more than 15 years working as an inter­me­dia artist Mosher has exhib­ited at numer­ous inter­na­tional venues for contem­po­rary art, includ­ing the Inter­na­tional Sympo­sium for Elec­tronic Art and the Elec­tronic Liter­a­ture Orga­ni­za­tion. His research is published in the Computer-Human Inter­ac­tion, Tangi­ble Embod­ied Inter­ac­tion, and New Inter­faces for Musical Expres­sion confer­ence proceed­ings, and reviewed in Wired and Interactions magazines.

Orlando, FL
Wood, metal, electronics, code
Professional Status
Artist, associtate professor
