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I am a wood­worker and craftsper­son orig­i­nally from Boston, Mass­a­chu­setts, and I currently am the resi­dent artist in wood at Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft in Colum­bia, North Carolina. I grad­u­ated from the two-year Cabinet and Furni­ture Making program at North Bennet Street School in January 2023 and returned as a teach­ing assis­tant for the 2023 – 2024 school year. I have held a fellow­ship at the Center for Furni­ture Crafts­man­ship in Rock­port, Maine and have worked for several Boston-area furni­ture makers. My work has been featured in Fine Wood­work­ing maga­zine and was a final­ist in the Inter­na­tional Society of Furni­ture Design­ers’ 2023 Inno­va­tion + Design Awards. I also have a degree in Econom­ics and Psychol­ogy from Colby College and previ­ously worked in the tech indus­try for seven years.

Columbia, NC
