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Lee Nadeau is an emerg­ing wood­worker, furni­ture maker and artist, currently living in Port­land, Maine. She will have earned a BFA in Wood­work­ing & Furni­ture Design from Maine College of Art & Design pending May 2025.

Born and raised in central Maine, much of Nadeau’s work is rooted in her ties to her home state. Nadeau takes refer­ences from the nature found around her home­town and trans­lates them into graphic visual elements, such as pattern and color. Nostal­gia is emotion that she commonly explores in her work, more specif­i­cally nostal­gia relat­ing to her child­hood. Influ­ence by a recent visit to Ander­son Ranch Arts Center, her current work is focused on inves­ti­gat­ing more organic forms and trans­lat­ing them into func­tional objects, such as drawers and boxes.

Winslow, ME
Wood, textile
Professional Status
