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IMG 0078

Lauren Newby (she, her)

Lauren Newby is an artist, furni­ture maker and wood­work­ing instruc­tor based in the Upper Great Lakes. Approach­ing design through green wood­work­ing and tradi­tional tech­niques allows her to center mate­r­ial as an active partic­i­pant in the creative process. This approach shifts the percep­tion of wood as a passive resource, telling a story of place, nature and time. She is a 2020 grad­u­ate of UW-Madison’s BFA program in Wood Furni­ture Design. Immersed in the craft commu­nity at North House Folk School, Lauren was a 2021 Craft Educa­tion Intern and currently teaches furni­ture design, chair­mak­ing and kid’s wood­work­ing courses. Support from an endowed fellow­ship at Center for Furni­ture Craft and work­shops through Chairmaker’s Toolbox has encour­aged contin­ued explo­ration of mate­r­ial knowl­edge through furniture forms.

Eau claire, WI
Professional Status
Woodworker, artist, instructor
