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WCAD f Keenan Rowe portrait 2024 1000x800 1

Keenan Rowe’s work repre­sents imag­ined objects and land­scapes from worlds that don’t quite exist. He seeks the fuzzy line between art, craft, and design. With an MFA in 3D Design from Cran­brook Academy of the Arts and a BS in Archi­tec­ture from Ball State Univer­sity, Keenan creates furni­ture and sculp­tural objects for the inte­rior. He founded RVA Urban Wood, a Virginia-based collab­o­ra­tive group dedi­cated to educat­ing the commu­nity and divert­ing wood waste from local land­fills. Recent exhi­bi­tions include Culture Objec­t’s THE END: Expanded Field Art and Jonald Dudd’s Punx Not Dead both taking place during NYCxDe­sign. Among his acco­lades is the Dorothy Liskey Wampler Distin­guished Profes­sor of Art Lecture Series Award, which supported his cura­to­r­ial research and exhi­bi­tion, Edge Walkers. Currently based in Little Rock, AR, Keenan serves as Assis­tant Profes­sor of Wood­work­ing at the Windgate School of Art and Design at the Univer­sity of Arkansas Little Rock.

Little rock, AR
Professional Status
Artist, designer, craftsperson, educator
