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IMG 9486

Justin R. Cock­rell (they/​them) is a craft artist, print­maker, and story­teller from Colum­bus, Ohio, currently living, learn­ing, and making in Rich­mond, Virginia. Their prac­tice is rooted in the objects and mate­ri­als related to the concept of home” and explores ways that queer­ness, grief, and race can shape domes­tic space. Focus­ing in textiles they trans­late tech­niques such as natural dyeing, quilt­ing, and cloth produc­tion with wood and metal to chron­i­cle a magical realist perspec­tive of the grotesque and beau­ti­ful truths of being raised on the inter­net at the begin­ning of the end of the world. They have exhib­ited in the Made in VA 2022 exhi­bi­tion at the Virginia MOCA in Virginia Beach, SRSLY R U OK IRL?: Furni­ture to promote social inter­ac­tion, and To Keep You Warm: an exhi­bi­tion of quilts at the Ander­son Gallery in Rich­mond, Virginia. Justin is pursu­ing a BFA in craft/​material studies and a BA in Spanish at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Richmond, VA
Professional Status
Member until May 8, 2024
