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GK25934 Credit Gediyon Kifle www Photo GK com

Ethiopian Amer­i­can artist and indus­trial designer, Jomo Tariku, is a pioneer of modern African design. In 2017, he launched his name­sake collec­tion featured in numer­ous publi­ca­tions includ­ing Elle Décor, Archi­tec­tural Digest, and Inte­rior Design. His work is also included in the perma­nent collec­tion of major museums includ­ing the MET, The Mint and LACMA.

A constant student of African art and culture, Jomo’s inter­est was sparked by the diverse African art and created objects his family collected during their travels across the conti­nent and beyond.

Intended to be heir­loom pieces to be cele­brated and enjoyed for gener­a­tions to come, Jomo’s spell­bind­ing designs breathe warmth and vital­ity into archi­tec­tural spaces. His design expresses a modern harmony of heritage, human­ity, and design sensibility.

Springfield, VA
Professional Status
Designer and owner of jomo furniture llc
