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Ian is a native of Western Penn­syl­va­nia where he grew up on the Allegheny Plateau of the Appalachian Moun­tains. He is a wood­worker, potter, and combat veteran whom served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Follow­ing his mili­tary service, he attended the Penn­syl­va­nia State Univer­sity grad­u­at­ing with a B.S., Cum Laude in Econom­ics. Then, after a few plot twists in life, he discov­ered pottery and wood­work­ing, and the profound impact that making with one’s hands can have on the self, espe­cially one’s mental health having been diag­nosed and strug­gling with PTSD due to combat trauma himself. Even­tu­ally, he went on to complete a year of Post-Baccalau­re­ate Fine Arts studies in Ceram­ics and Wood­work­ing & Furni­ture Design at Edin­boro Univer­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia. Ian’s pottery has been exhib­ited in juried shows region­ally and nation­ally, and can be found living & being used in homes through­out the world. His furni­ture train­ing brought him to New England where he is currently based.

Portland, ME
Ig: @keystonecraftsmanian
Professional Status
