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For as long as Grant can recall he has been inter­est­ing in construct­ing and decon­struct­ing things, just led to his finding and fasci­na­tion with wood­work­ing. His dedi­ca­tion to the craft kicked off; in late high school in a tiny closet in his paren­t’s back­yard. To further his under­stand­ing and love of the craft, he attended a summer at the Krenov school of fine wood­work­ing, while there he learned about the Appalachian Center for Craft, where he now attends classes with Annie Evelyn seeking a BFA. His work primar­ily focuses on his strug­gle with addic­tion and self-control through­out his day-to-day life. He is currently plan­ning and getting ready to start his thesis show focused around bring­ing the natural wonder of trees into a fine furniture space.

Dallas, TX
Professional Status
Owner of stewart fine furniture
