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forms of func­tion is my theme. i like the inter­ac­tion of move­ment in furni­ture. where parts inter­act, objects are resting in an enclosed space or viewed inter­act­ing as part of the compo­si­tion. 2005 historic handrail repli­ca­tion for Inn at Erlow­est, Lake George, NY. 2000 remodel of Monastery for Monks of New Skete, Cambridge, NY 2009 Life@home Form Meets Func­tion by jill montag & photos by charlie samuels 1976 25th Anniver­sary Exhi­bi­tion, School for Amer­i­can Crafts­man 1969 july 21 Newsweek craft­ing their own world” david l shirly Asso­ciate in Applied Science 1970, Rochester Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy, School for American Craftsman

Ballston spa, NY
Professional Status
Working furniture artisan
