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Untitled 1

1975,BFA, Cran­brook Academy of Art, Bloom­field Hills, MI.

My work has used the tradi­tional furni­ture form Cabinet on Stand” and more recently Game Table” as a vehi­cles to express the dissim­i­lar­ity that exists between the promi­nent exte­rior archi­tec­tural features of the furni­ture forms when first encoun­tered and the vibrant engag­ing images of the inte­rior façade found after opening the tops or doors. 

The shapes and symbols used to embell­ish the exte­rior of the furni­ture forms have been inspired by the archi­tec­tural land­scape I’ve found along many of our highways…..industrial sites, wooden utility poles, elec­tri­cal towers and bridges are but a few. The parquetry images found on the doors serves to create a visual inter­est that will entice the viewer to move closer and open the doors to discover what’s inside. 

With the doors or tops open, an inte­rior is revealed that is visu­ally active, vibrant, and invit­ing. Often the archi­tec­tural features that inspired the exte­rior design are displayed as marquetry images on the inte­rior doors and drawers. Satel­lite view from space of cities, commer­cial sites, subdi­vi­sions, highway inter­changes and airports are also inspi­ra­tions incor­po­rated into the marquetry found on the doors & drawers. These images from space are meant to first evoke a since of wonder­ment and awe, then ulti­mately a contem­pla­tive impres­sion. The minute size and complex­ity of these images draws the viewer closer for a more inti­mate visual conver­sa­tion with the furniture.

Holly, MI
Professional Status
