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Furnsoc Profile

Chet McDougle is a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary artist based in the Upper Penin­sula of Michi­gan. His current work focuses on creat­ing deeply coded, socially conscious pieces that chal­lenge viewers to confront the diffi­cult subject matter often omitted from our metic­u­lously curated social media spaces. These pieces stitch together disparate histor­i­cal, cultural, and liter­ary symbol­ism to create cohe­sive concep­tual works that comment on contem­po­rary societal issues. 

Chet received his BS in wood­work­ing and furni­ture design from the School of Art and Design at North­ern Michi­gan Univer­sity. An acad­e­mic at heart, when not in the wood shop, he can often be found reading art history books or writing concep­tual manu­scripts for future projects.

Manistique, MI
