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Born 1964 Hermann, MO Lives and works in Cedar­burg, WI charles@​charlesradtke.​com

EDUCA­TION 1989 Summer Session with James Krenov, Ander­son Ranch Arts Center, Snow­mass, CO 1986 BS, Lombard Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy, Lombard, IL 1982 – 83 South­west Missouri State Univer­sity, Spring­field, MO

AWARDS and GRANTS 1999 Best of Show, Lake­front Festi­val of Arts, Milwau­kee Art Museum, Milwau­kee, WI 1998 Best of Show, Lake­front Festi­val of Arts, Milwau­kee Art Museum, Milwau­kee, WI 1997 Best of Show, Lake­front Festi­val of Arts, Milwau­kee Art Museum, Milwau­kee, WI 1996 Best Furni­ture as Art, Milwau­kee Maga­zine, Milwau­kee, WI 1995 Best of Show, Festi­val Of The Arts, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboy­gan, WI 1993 Best of Show, Illi­nois Ozark Craft Guild, South­ern Illi­nois Univer­sity, Carbon­dale, IL 1992 Best of Show, Illi­nois Ozark Craft Guild, South­ern Illi­nois Univer­sity, Carbon­dale, IL 1991 First Place, Furni­ture as an Art Form, Asso­ci­ated Artists’ Gallery, Carbon­dale, IL 1989 Best of Show, Colorado Woodworker’s Asso­ci­a­tion Exhi­bi­tion, Pioneer’s Museum, Colorado Springs, CO

SELECTED SOLO EXHI­BI­TIONS 2002 Charles Radtke: 17 over 7, Cedar­burg Cultural Center, Cedar­burg, WI

1996 An Unfold­ing Process, Plymouth Art Foun­da­tion, Plymouth, WI

SELECTED GROUP EXHI­BI­TIONS 2012 Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? . Lewis Gallery, Port­land Public Library, Port­land, ME 2011 – 2012 Trib­u­taries: Sarah Perkins. National Orna­men­tal Metals Museum , Memphis, TN 2010 The Pier­schalla Memo­r­ial Schol­ar­ship Furni­ture Exhi­bi­tion. Mobilia Gallery, Boston MA 2002

Contem­po­rary Studio Case Furni­ture: The Inside Story. Elve­hjem Museum of Art, Univer­sity of Wiscon­sin-Madison, Madison, WI On Nature: Five Wiscon­sin Artists. Milwau­kee Art Museum, Milwau­kee, WI

1999 SOFA (Sculp­ture, Objects & Func­tional Art) – Chicago, Chicago, IL 1996 Enhanc­ing the Living Space, West Bend Art Museum, West Bend, WI 1994 South­ern Illi­nois Artists, Illi­nois Arti­sans Shop, Chicago, IL 1993 Craft­ing Currents, Lock­port Gallery, Lock­port, IL Fine Furni­ture by Kyle Kinser and Charley Radtke, Craft Alliance, St. Louis, MO 1989 Contem­po­rary Reli­gious Works, 1989 Art Expo­si­tion, Colum­bus, OH

SELECTED COLLEC­TIONS Renwick Gallery, Smith­son­ian Amer­i­can Art Museum, Wash­ing­ton, D.C. Milwau­kee Art Museum, Milwau­kee WI Boston Museum Of Fine Arts, Boston, MA Univer­sity of St. Mary of the Lake Theo­log­i­cal Chapel, Mundelein, IL Indian Commu­nity School of Milwau­kee, Inc., Milwau­kee, WI Borglum Ranch, Hermosa, SD Caro­line and Roger Ford, New Vernon, NJ Brent Kington, Cobden, IL Dennis Roche­leau, Fair­field, CT Doreen and Sandy Wirth, Cedar­burg, WI Marcia and Kent Velde, Milwau­kee, WI Heidi and Greg Borca, Cedar­burg, WI

PUBLI­CA­TIONS Port­fo­lio.” Amer­i­can Craft Maga­zine, 58, no. 364.

Adamson, Glenn. A Perfect Match: The Furni­ture of Charley Radtke.” Wood­work, no. 78 (Decem­ber 2002): 24 – 31.

Adamson, Glenn and Oscar P. Fitzger­ald, Furni­ture Studio: Furni­ture Makers Explor­ing Digital Tech­nolo­gies Asheville, NC: The Furni­ture Society, 2005.

Blanke­meyer, Dennis. Craft Furni­ture: The Legacy of the Human Hand. Atglen, PA: Schif­fer Publish­ing Ltd., 2003.

Boyd, Virginia T. and Glenn Adamson. Contem­po­rary Studio Case Furni­ture: The Inside Story. Madison, WI: Elve­hjem Museum of Art, 2002.

Fitzger­ald, Oscar P. Studio Furni­ture of the Renwick Gallery Smith­son­ian Amer­i­can Art Museum. East Peters­burg, PA: Fox Chapel Publish­ing, 2008.

Gray, Jacque­lyn. Going with the Grain.” The Milwau­kee Journal, (Febru­ary 19, 1995): F16.

Gyamati, Susan. Wood That Thou Could See the Beauty… ” Exclu­sively Yours, (April, 1999): 52 – 56.

Kaiser, Jo-Ann. Furni­ture Designs Begin with Wood, End with the Details.” Custom Wood­work­ing Busi­ness 7, no. 9 (Septem­ber 1997): 79 – 85.

Kelsey, John and Rick Mastelli. Furni­ture Studio: The Heart of Func­tional Arts. Asheville, NC: The Furni­ture Society, 1999.

Kelsey, John and Rick Mastelli. Tradi­tion in Contem­po­rary Furni­ture. Asheville, NC: The Furni­ture Society, 2001.

Petaschnick, JoAnn. Natu­rally Perfect.” M Maga­zine 11, no. 4 (March 2007): 50 – 54.

Radtke, Charles. Animate Your Designs: Furni­ture Comes to Life with 3‑D Soft­ware.” Home Furni­ture 8 (October 1996): 90 – 93.

Reed, W.A. Charles Radtke, Furni­ture Maker.” Porcu­pine Liter­ary Arts Maga­zine 2, no. 1: 46 – 59.

West, Janice. Art for the Wall Furni­ture and Acces­sories: The Designer’s Source­book 13. Madison, WI: The Guild, 1998.

REVIEWS Auer, James. Review of On Nature: Five Wiscon­sin Artists.” The Milwau­kee Journal, (June 24, 2002): D, 1.

Cedarburg, WI
Professional Status
