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I have been a casual wood­worker most of my adult life. Then, after attend­ing a week-long wood­turn­ing work­shop at Snow Farm led by Rick Angus, I was hooked! I actu­ally decided to retire early and enrolled in Beth Ireland’s 8‑week inten­sive turning program at the Center for Furni­ture Craft­man­ship. By January 2021 I felt that my work was refined enough to start selling at craft fairs and farmers markets around Boston. In 2023 my wife retired and we moved to New Jersey. Now I have my work­shop set-up again, (above ground this time!). I have applied to several craft festi­vals and events here and and am contin­u­ing my partic­i­pa­tion in craft programs at Peters Valley and Snow Farm. I look forward to expand­ing my studies at other venues and espe­cially to develop ideas I have for more artis­tic and func­tional turned pieces, including furniture.

Plainfield, NJ
Professional Status
Retired - serious woodturner/artist
