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I grad­u­ated in 1978 with a Fine Arts degree special­iz­ing in both gallery oriented sculp­tural wood furni­ture and Tonal­ism and Abstracted Impres­sion­ism inspired paint­ings. In those early years of colle­giate study, my influ­ences were the works of Wendell Castle, George Nakashima, James Krenov, Jack Rodgers Hopkins, Josef Albers, Mark Rothko, Walter Launt Palmer, and J.M.W. Turner. For the last 30 years, I have been a wooden arti­facts conser­va­tor with addi­tional train­ing and expe­ri­ence in the fields of consult­ing, personal prop­erty eval­u­a­tion and valu­a­tion, lectur­ing, and teach­ing. I have preserved, studied, researched, lectured on, and taught courses on the artis­tic styles and regions of furni­ture produc­tion which governed the crafts­men working from the 15th through the 20th centuries. My accu­mu­lated design and craft knowl­edge combined with my fine arts back­ground, tradi­tional joinery skills, and a desire to follow Leed Build­ing Prac­tices”, Green Prac­tices”, and Best Prac­tices” has led us to produce our current lines and indi­vid­ual designs. The use of old stock” small frag­ments, and wood from natu­rally downed trees is very impor­tant in our produc­tion as well as to utilize the natu­rally occur­ring figure and grain char­ac­ter­is­tics of the wood includ­ing what would have been consid­ered non-usable portion of the tree such as the sapwood, areas of defects, etc. in the layout and produc­tion. We also use sustain­able, recy­cled, and envi­ron­men­tally friendly adhe­sives and finish­ing prod­ucts. Our company, MOSART, displays current furni­ture items in our port­fo­lio. And, our sister company works with conser­va­tion of historic furni­ture. Our websites can be found on http://​www​.schuet​tinger​.com and http://​www​.mosart​fur​ni​ture​.com​.com.

Thurmont, MD
Professional Status
