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WIN 20220510 06 31 25 Pro

Brian Millspaw is a wood artist and profes­sional furni­ture maker with a career span­ning 28 years. He is currently the sample maker/​product devel­op­ment engi­neer at Fancher Chair Company, where he designs for manu­fac­tura­bil­ity, creates 3d models, and builds and tests proto­types of new chairs.

Previ­ously, Brian spent 5 years as a hand carver in a wood­carv­ing factory creat­ing master models of tradi­tional designs. These models were used to run manual carving dupli­ca­tors and program CNC carving machines. Millspaw also ran his own wood studio for a number of years. Creat­ing every­thing from turned wood sculp­tures to public art projects and modern inter­pre­ta­tions of classic furni­ture styles. He is now mostly focused on seating. In partic­u­lar elevat­ing the design of Windsor type chairs. Brian was the recip­i­ent of a 2024 NYSCA support for artists grant, which he used to launch the project Inno­va­tion from Tradi­tion. A modern inter­pre­ta­tion of Jamestown, NY’s furni­ture making legacy.” 

Westfield, NY
Instagram @millspaw_furniture_design
Professional Status
Furniture maker, product development
