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08 Y23 2 W Squarespace 2

I am a 20-year-old furni­ture maker based in south-central Penn­syl­va­nia. I build furni­ture that is elegantly designed and finely constructed using wood I have hand selected for each piece I create.

I am inspired by tradi­tions and furni­ture-makers, both histor­i­cal and contem­po­rary. Currently I’m explor­ing tradi­tional tech­niques for build­ing chairs and other staked furni­ture, as well as contin­u­ing to design and build some more contemporary pieces.

In October of 2024 I had the priv­i­lege of having my Carved Walnut Wall Cabinet included in The Art of Crafts­man­ship, an exhi­bi­tion that explored the time­less dialogue between art and craft, show­cas­ing works that blend metic­u­lous crafts­man­ship with artis­tic vision.” The exhi­bi­tion was held by Peters Valley School of Craft in their Sally D. Francisco Gallery. 

In Novem­ber of 2024, I was honored to receive a Highly Commended Award in the World cate­gory of the Australian Wood Review’s annual Maker of the Year Awards, for my Red Oak Coffee Table, and a Commended Award for my Carved Walnut Wall Cabinet.

Palmyra, PA
Professional Status
