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After a half-hearted attempt at a law degree, Alf Sharp discov­ered his true voca­tion in fine furni­ture­mak­ing. Thirty-five years later he’s still at it with as much enthu­si­asm as at the begin­ning. Almost all work is done on a custom commis­sion basis, in close collab­o­ra­tion with clients and their design­ers. Special­iz­ing in 18th and 19th Century Amer­i­can and Euro­pean design, Sharp also enjoys Beider­meier, Art Deco, Chinese, and contem­po­rary design. His own orig­i­nal work has, most often, at least a toe-hold in tradi­tion. Sharp has pieces in histor­i­cal homes and museums through­out the US, as well as in fine private homes nation­ally. He is the recip­i­ent of the 2008 Cartouche award from The Society of Amer­i­can Period Furni­ture Makers. He is past Pres­i­dent of the Furni­ture Society. When not absorbed in the wood­shop or playing with his grand­chil­dren, he enjoys restor­ing and driving classic British sports­cars. Exam­ples of his work can be seen on his web-site, alfred​sharp​.com., and the new snazzy​woodties​.com.

Woodbury, TN
