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Schools & Orga­ni­za­tions with Wood­work­ing, Furni­ture and/​or Design Programs

A Work­shop of Our Own (WOO) — Balti­more, MD

Alamance Commu­nity College — Graham, NC

Allied Wood­shop — Los Angeles, CA

Ander­son Ranch Arts Center - Snow­mass Village, CO

Appalachian State — Boone, NC

Appalachian Center for Craft at Tennessee Tech — Cookeville, TN

Arbutus Folk School — Olympia, WA

Arizona State Univer­sity — Tempe, AZ

Arrow­mont School of Arts of Crafts — Gatlin­burg, TN

Austin School of Furni­ture — Austin, TX

Australian National Univer­sity — Canberra, AU

Bucks County Commu­nity College — Newtown, PA

Buffalo State College — Buffalo, NY

Cali­for­nia College of the Arts — Oakland, CA

Center for Furni­ture Crafts­man­ship — Rock­port, ME

Cerri­tos College — Los Angeles, CA

Charleston Wood­work­ing School — Charleston, SC

Chicago Indus­trial Arts & Design Center — Chicago, IL

Chicago School of Wood­work­ing — Chicago, IL

Connecti­cut Valley School of Wood­work­ing — Manches­ter, CT

Edin­boro Univer­sity - Edin­boro, PA

Fire­weed Commu­nity Wood­shop — Minneapo­lis, MN

Florida School of Wood­work — Tampa, FL

Hammer­stone School — Trumans­burg, NY

Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts — Deer Isle, ME

Haywood Commu­nity College — Clyde, NC

Heron School of Art & Design — Indi­anapo­lis, IN

Indiana Univer­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia — Indiana, PA

Iowa State Univer­sity — Ames, IA

John C. Camp­bell Folk School — Brasstown, NC

LA Wood­shop — Los Angeles, CA

Lehigh Univer­sity — Beth­le­hem, PA

Maine College of Art — Port­land, ME

Makeville — Brook­lyn, NY

Marc Adams School of Wood­work­ing — North Franklin, IN

Mary May’s School of Wood­carv­ing — Charleston, SC

Mass­a­chu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy — Cambridge, MA

Missis­sippi State Univer­sity — Missis­sippi State, MS

Murray State Univer­sity — Murray, KY

New Jersey School of Wood­work — Wash­ing­ton, NJ

North Bennet Street School — Boston, MA

North House Folk School — Grand Marais, MN

North­ern Michi­gan Univer­sity — Marquette, MI

Palomar College — San Marcos, CA

Peters Valley School of Craft — Layton, NJ

Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft — Colum­bia, NC

Port Townsend School of Wood­work­ing — Port Townsend, WA

Penland School of Craft — Bakersville, NC

Red Rocks Commu­nity College — Lake­wood, CO

Rhode Island School of Design — Prov­i­dence, RI

Rochester Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy — Rochester, NY

Saddle­back College — Mission Viejo, CA

San Diego State Univer­sity - San Diego, CA

Sawtooth — Winston-Salem, NC

Sheri­dan College — Oakville, ON

South­west School of Wood­work­ing — Phoenix, AZ

Station North Tool Library — Balti­more, MD

Syra­cuse Univer­sity School of Design — Syra­cuse, NY

Tennessee Tech School of Art, Craft & Design — Cookeville, TN

Thad­deus Stevens College — Lancaster, PA

The Krenov School of Fine Furni­ture — Fort Bragg, CA

The North Carolina Furni­ture School — Farmville, NC

The North­west Wood­work­ing Studio — Port­land, OR

The Wood­work­ing School at Pine Croft — Berea, KY

Univer­sity of North Carolina — Asheville, STEAM Studios — Asheville, NC

Univer­sity of Arkansas Little Rock — Little Rock, AR

Univer­sity of Chicago — Chicago, IL

Univer­sity of New Hamp­shire — Durham, NH

Univer­sity of the Arts — Philadel­phia, PA

Univer­sity of Wiscon­sin — Madison - Madison, WI

Vermont School of Wood­work­ing — Cambridge, VT

Virginia Common­wealth Univer­sity - Rich­mond, VA

Wendell Castle Work­shop — Scottsville, NY

Wild Abun­dance — Asheville, NC

Yester­mor­row — Wait­s­field, VT