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Septem­ber 272021

Student Affin­ity Group: Let’s Talk About Grad School!
Guest speak­ers Kristi Williams from San Diego State Univer­sity, Esther Cho from Univer­sity of Wiscon­sin-Madison, and Mark Tan from Virginia Common­wealth Univer­sity join us to talk about their journey into woodworking/​furniture design, what led them to pursue grad­u­ate school, and share what they are currently working on in their research.

Friday, April 304pm EDT

Student Affin­ity Group: What’s Next? Life After Grad­u­a­tion
3 artists share some insights and advice on how to continue with your artis­tic endeav­ors after art school through each of our guests’ unique expe­ri­ences.

Our special guest artists are Soo Joo, a RISD grad­u­ate and a past Ander­son Ranch resi­dent who is currently making art in Seoul, South Korea, Tom Lees, who attended the Krenov School of Fine Furni­ture and Capel­lagår­den in Sweden and currently teaches as an adjunct profes­sor at UW-Madison, and Oakland, Cali­for­nia based artist Adrien Segal whose work uses scien­tific research and data to inform her work and has been exhib­ited inter­na­tion­ally in galleries and museums.

Friday, March 262021

Collab­o­ra­tion & Craft For A Greater Good: A Conver­sa­tion with Annie Evelyn & Ellie Richards

TFS’ resi­dent fellows Annie Evelyn & Ellie Richards about the work they are doing for Craft for Greater Good at STEAM Studios and BeLoved Asheville, how they collab­o­rate as artists, what types of commu­nity based projects are they currently working on, and what they are doing toen­gage with the community.

Friday, Febru­ary 262021

This is the first of a 3 part series where we are talking with Cura­tors about how they develop an idea for an exhi­bi­tion, seeing it to fruition, working with artists, and what recom­men­da­tions they have for students, emerg­ing artists and those inter­ested in exhibit­ing their work.

Friday, January 292021

The Furni­ture Society and students from across North America learn about programs, resi­den­cies, schol­ar­ships and funding from Ander­son Ranch, Hancock Shaker Village, Penland & Peters Valley.