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Positions, Fellowship

Wood Studio Coordinator Peters Valley School of Craft

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Join Peters Valley’s support­ive commu­nity of artists and gain expe­ri­ence manag­ing a fully equipped and busy craft studio while mentor­ing our studio assistants.
Lamps on the Lathe Workshop Peters Valley

May 1 — October 302025

This can be a career launch­ing oppor­tu­nity for those seri­ously pursu­ing a posi­tion in the field of craft. We are seeking expe­ri­enced ener­getic artists with great people skills and strong working knowl­edge of a fine craft studio. This program provides invalu­able profes­sional devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and expe­ri­ence working in a non-profit art orga­ni­za­tion. Candi­dates will receive a stipend of $10,000; unlim­ited studio access with all util­i­ties included; a private room in a house shared with other studio coor­di­na­tors (all util­i­ties included) and are welcome to compli­men­tary meals when the dining hall is serving.

Some of the respon­si­bil­i­ties of coor­di­na­tors include: Creat­ing a welcom­ing & inclu­sive studio envi­ron­ment for instruc­tors, students & visi­tors; manag­ing all studio oper­a­tions such as order­ing work­shop supplies, inven­tory and equip­ment main­te­nance; acting as the liaison with visit­ing instruc­tors prior to their arrival to discuss studio equip­ment and supply needs; welcom­ing visit­ing instruc­tors when they arrive, showing them around the studio, and making sure they have every­thing needed for a success­ful work­shop; assist­ing, accom­mo­dat­ing and commu­ni­cat­ing with visit­ing instruc­tors and students; manag­ing and mentor­ing the studio assis­tant and helping with work­shop prep and clean-up.

Dead­line to apply is Febru­ary 22025
