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Wood Fiction / Nonfiction: Sculpting Narrative (Session 3: July 13 – 25) Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

Learn tech­niques for sculpt­ing with wood using hand tools, power tools, and wood­work­ing machin­ery, and how to talk about your work poet­i­cally and effec­tively. Instruc­tor: Raul De Lara

For Being Left Handed 2020 1

In this work­shop, students will learn tech­niques for sculpt­ing with wood and how to talk about their work poet­i­cally and effec­tively. Through expe­ri­en­tial exer­cises, students will learn how to imbue narra­tives into their work while expand­ing their spoken and visual vocab­u­lary. This hands-on work­shop will intro­duce students to sculpt­ing tech­niques using hand tools, power tools, and wood­work­ing machin­ery. The class is designed to help students get rid of any fear or tension in the wood­shop, and develop a safe expres­sive rela­tion­ship to woodworking.

Raul De Lara (he/​him) is a sculp­tor who explores the emotive and story­telling qual­i­ties of mate­ri­als. His research preserves, honors, and propels forward tradi­tional uses of wood in Mexican and Amer­i­can culture while combin­ing them with new devel­op­ments in the global indus­try of wood­work­ing. De Lara immi­grated to the United States at age 12, and has been a DACA recip­i­ent since 2012. De Lara received his MFA in Sculp­ture + Extended Media from Virginia Common­wealth Univer­sity, and a BFA in Studio Art from the Univer­sity of Texas at Austin. His recent awards include the NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellow­ship in Craft/​Sculpture, Art in America Magazine’s Top 20 Global Talent to Watch, Hermès Paris Inau­gural Aspen Instal­la­tion, and the Maxwell/​Hanrahan Award in Craft. De Lara lives in New York City, NY.
