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Windgate Artist in Residence at The University of Arkansas Little Rock The Univer­sity of Arkansas Little Rock

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Semes­ter long resi­dency includes $30,000 stipend, free housing, a private studio, travel/​material fund, and access to exten­sive facil­i­ties includ­ing a wood­shop equipped with CNC, laser cutter, and Woodmiser sawmill.

Open Call:

This is an Open Call for artists, design­ers, and crafts­peo­ple to apply for the semes­ter long Windgate Artist in Resi­dence program at the Univer­sity of Arkansas at Little Rock’s School of Art and Design. Appli­ca­tions are being accepted for the Fall 2025 (Aug-Dec) and Spring 2026 (Jan-May) semes­ters. This program provides a $30,000 stipend, housing, funding for mate­r­ial and travel, studio space, and access to UA Little Rock’s extensive studios.

Appli­ca­tions Closes: Feb 28 2025 at 11:59pm CST

About our school:

The School of Art and Design at UA Little Rock offers engag­ing and inspir­ing art instruc­tion. Our art degrees in studio art, art history, and art educa­tion prepare students for fulfill­ing careers as profes­sional artists, and for careers in museums, busi­nesses, schools, and more. Our students have oppor­tu­ni­ties for research, intern­ships, and mentor­ship, and many expe­ri­ence the fulfill­ment of having their works displayed in our galleries.

Our Mission Statement:

The School of Art and Design culti­vates artis­tic excel­lence, crit­i­cal think­ing, and holis­tic growth in our students as we train them in art and craft, focus­ing on process, mate­ri­als, and contem­po­rary prac­tices. Our dynamic and diverse commu­nity is dedi­cated to foster­ing inclu­sion and encour­ag­ing inter­dis­ci­pli­nary explo­ration as we benefit from and contribute to the cultural fabric of Little Rock and Arkansas.

Artist in Residence:

The Artist in Resi­dence will work in the Windgate Center of Art + Design at UA Little Rock for one acad­e­mic semes­ter. This resi­dency offers the selected appli­cant the oppor­tu­nity to create work and engage with the School of Art and Design commu­nity, as well as the greater Little Rock community.

The primary goal of the Windgate Artist in Resi­dency program is to provide artists dedi­cated time and space for creat­ing and devel­op­ing work. The selected artist will have 24-hour access to a private studio and special­ized areas includ­ing: a Wood­shop equipped with a CNC and laser cutter, Ceram­ics Studio, Jewelry and Metal­smithing Studio, Smithy and Foundry, Photog­ra­phy Studio, and a Print­mak­ing Studio. If you require special­ized equip­ment or facil­i­ties for your prac­tice, please review the facil­i­ties page on our website, or email to inquire about your specific needs before applying.


The Artist in Resi­dence will be provided housing approx­i­mately one block from the Windgate Center for Art + Design. The house is a 2‑bedroom one bath­room house with parking. Artists with fami­lies are encour­aged to apply.

While in resi­dence, artists will inter­act with students through weekly open studio hours, studio visits, and in-class activ­i­ties (artists will not be required to teach courses).

The Artist in Resi­dence will run a minimum of one 2‑day work­shop for students during the semes­ter. There are also oppor­tu­ni­ties for artists to teach paid work­shops at the Arkansas Museum of Fine Art’s Windgate Art School for those interested.

The Artist in Resi­dence will give an artist talk at the Windgate Center of Art + Design and the Arkansas Museum of Fine Art. Partic­i­pat­ing artists donate one work of art to be added to the Perma­nent Collec­tion at UA Little Rock.

This is a short-term posi­tion and is not eligi­ble for bene­fits. This posi­tion is governed by state and federal laws, and agency/​institution policy. At this time we are unable to accept international applicants.


Required Educa­tion and/​or Experience:

  • Active artis­tic practice
  • Evidence of active partic­i­pa­tion in exhi­bi­tions at the national or international level
  • Expe­ri­ence working with students at any level

Preferred Educa­tion and/​or Experience:

  • Expe­ri­ence with and commit­ment to working with diverse popu­la­tions of learners
  • MFA, BFA, BA, or commensurate experience

Job Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Making artwork in the Windgate Center M‑F (daily);
  • Main­tain­ing open studio hours (weekly);
  • Giving a public artist’s talk (2 times);
  • Running a 2‑day workshop;
  • Critiquing BFA students;
  • Partic­i­pat­ing as a guest artist in rele­vant classes, leading an in-class activ­ity (up to two times per semester);
  • Attend­ing welcome and farewell receptions;
  • Donate an artwork to the UALR collection.
  • Knowl­edge, Skills, and Abilities:
  • Knowl­edge of artis­tic processes and media;
  • Knowl­edge of studio safety procedures;
  • Strong inter­per­sonal skills;
  • Ability to teach;
  • Ability to effec­tively commu­ni­cate and collaborate;
  • Will­ing­ness to engage in collab­o­ra­tion with faculty as a guest artist in their classes;
  • Will­ing­ness to engage with students and the broader community.

Salary Infor­ma­tion:

This posi­tion is awarded a stipend of $30,000 for the semes­ter. The posi­tion has an addi­tional $2,000 budget for mate­ri­als and travel.

Required Docu­men­ta­tion:

  • Letter of inter­est spec­i­fy­ing qual­i­fi­ca­tions and expe­ri­ence (cover letter)
  • Curricu­lum Vitae
  • Profes­sional work samples to include a port­fo­lio or link to an online port­fo­lio (20 images maximum, with explana­tory notes or captions. Upload all attach­ments as one PDF document)
  • Names, email addresses, and tele­phone numbers of at least three refer­ences who can comment upon your expe­ri­ence and professional preparation

Appli­ca­tions Closes: Feb 28 2025 at 11:59pm CST

Please direct ques­tions to: Keenan Rowe: krowe@ualr.