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Studio access and mentoring with Jack Larimore Jack Lari­more

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Live in an airstream, work in Jack Lari­more’s studio, engage in farm life, hang out with goats. Bayshore region of New Jersey.
Airstream small

For the last few years we have been fortu­nate to host an indi­vid­ual at the farm, they live in a totally coolified Airstream in exchange for working around the farm for a few hours a week and taking care of things when we are not there and they also have full access to my studio. Great oppor­tu­nity to learn about horti­cul­ture, animals and light farming. I am always up for mentor­ing and trans­for­ma­tive conver­sa­tions in the furniture/​sculpture realm. The farm is one hour south of the Philadel­phia near Delaware Bay. Zip 08302. Inter­ested parties can email or call Jack 215 805 6402
