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Spring Residency April 2025 Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft

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Do you need a week to work on that art project you just can’t get to at home? The Spring Resi­dency lets you to take it one week at a time. Artists can apply for any of two five-day sessions.
Screen Shot 2025 01 23 at 8 34 46 PM

Do you need a week to work on that art project you just can’t get to at home? The Spring Resi­dency lets you to take it one week at a time. Artists can apply for any of two five-day sessions in the metal­smithing, ceram­ics, or wood studio, or work in other media in our flex studio. Selected artists may partic­i­pate in more than one session. Artists at all stages of their careers are welcome but must be capable of using studio equip­ment inde­pen­dently. 2 Sessions Avail­able in April 2025 Session 1: April 711 Session 2: April 1418 Costs: The Spring Resi­dency fee is $250 per week. Pocosin invests signif­i­cantly in program plan­ning. Cancel­la­tions can be chal­leng­ing to accom­mo­date, even with waiting lists, so we apply a $100 cancel­la­tion fee to help cover these costs. On campus housing, meals and any addi­tional mate­ri­als purchased through Pocosin are not included in this fee and are the respon­si­bil­ity of the partic­i­pants. Housing: If selected, resi­dents may select housing in a single room ($300/​week), double room ($200/​week), quad room ($125/​week), or the Pigeon House ($450/​week). Each room has a private bath, and all bed and bath linens are provided. There is a commu­nal kitchen on campus for resi­dents to prepare their meals. Mate­ri­als: Resi­dents are respon­si­ble for supply­ing their own mate­ri­als and may ship items to Pocosin Arts before the resi­dency. Partic­i­pants must be 21 years of age or older.
