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Sitting with the Past: Craft + Culture Through Chair Making (Session 1: June 8 – 20) Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts

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Dive into a variety of tools and tech­niques for the design and construc­tion of ladder­back chairs. All levels welcome! Instruc­tor: Charlie Ryland

Ryland Haystack 2025 3

This work­shop will offer partic­i­pants a deep dive into a variety of tools and tech­niques for the design and construc­tion of ladder­back chairs. Parts will be split from a freshly felled log, shaped using drawknives and spoke­shaves, and joined through a combi­na­tion of tradi­tional and modern tech­niques. Demon­stra­tions will be based on the iconic form produced by the Poynor family, and partic­i­pants will be encour­aged to exper­i­ment with their own design ideas with their chairs. All levels welcome.

Charlie Ryland (he/​him) is a chair maker, teacher, and researcher based in south­ern New Hamp­shire. His work is moti­vated by an inter­est in the overlap between craft and labor, their respec­tive roles in the creation and distri­b­u­tion of knowl­edge and culture, and the ways in which both can be used to build and shape commu­nity through the gener­a­tion of history, meaning, and solidarity.
