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Serious Play: Exploring Mechanical Movements through Wooden Toys (Session 5: August 10 – 22) Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts

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Using push-and-pull toys as a prompt, explore simple, hand­made, wood mech­a­nisms such as hinges, levers, cams, and cranks. All levels welcome! Instruc­tor: Katie Hudnall
Hudnall Image3

Using push-and-pull toys as a prompt, partic­i­pants will begin to explore simple, hand­made, wood mech­a­nisms such as hinges, levers, cams, and cranks. Small and playful, these objects will allow us to explore how moving parts come with their own set of oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges. All levels welcome.

Katie Hudnall (she/​her) is a wood­worker, artist, and educa­tor living in Madison, WI, where she runs the Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture program at the Univer­sity of Wiscon­sin – Madison. She received a BFA in Sculp­ture from the Corco­ran College of Art and an MFA in Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture Design from Virginia Common­wealth Univer­sity. Hudnall is curious about the alive­ness of things and about how to make furni­ture as strange and dynamic as draw­ings. She is happi­est in a wood­shop, think­ing with her hands.
