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Seasonal Staff: Campus Assistants Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Each summer, Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts’s Campus Assis­tants work closely with staff and take an active role in manag­ing various tasks in the day-to-day running of the School. On-campus housing & meals provided.

Each summer, Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts’s Campus Assis­tants work closely with staff and take an active role in manag­ing various tasks in the day-to-day running of the School. These posi­tions are seasonal, with a sched­ule of 40 hours per week from May – October 2025. On-campus housing and meals are provided.

Haystack’s Campus Assis­tants report to the Programs + Studios Direc­tor. Campus Assis­tants must be able to work long hours that may be both phys­i­cally and emotion­ally demand­ing. Success­ful Campus Assis­tants should demon­strate flex­i­bil­ity, adapt­abil­ity, and a will­ing­ness to problem-solve in the moment. Campus Assis­tants must be comfort­able with a forward-facing, customer service-oriented role and will work with all Haystack staff, instruc­tors, and partic­i­pants during their duties.

This posi­tion is full-time, 40 hours per week, with a compen­sa­tion of $30/​hour paid bi-weekly. Private on-campus housing and meals are provided. The School will provide train­ing in phys­i­cal and mental health first aid. This posi­tion is not eligi­ble for benefit coverage.

How to Apply

The dead­line to apply for this posi­tion is Friday, February 7

Email a resume, cover letter address­ing rele­vant expe­ri­ence and inter­est in this posi­tion, and contact infor­ma­tion for three refer­ences to employment@​haystack-​mtn.​org with the subject heading Campus Assis­tant Appli­ca­tion, [Your Name].” All attached files must be in PDF format and labeled to include your last name. No phone calls, please.

The antic­i­pated start date for this posi­tion is no later than April 292025.
