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Seasonal: Kitchen Staff Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Haystack seeks help in our kitchen for our summer oper­a­tions. This posi­tion relies on collab­o­ra­tion, strong commu­ni­ca­tion skills, excel­lent orga­ni­za­tion, atten­tion to detail, and the ability to work as part of a team.

Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts is seeking help in our kitchen for our summer oper­a­tions. The School has a repu­ta­tion for healthy and deli­cious meals, with the dining hall being a vital compo­nent of the Haystack experience.

The Kitchen Staff work as part of the kitchen team to serve a healthy and enjoy­able menu for partic­i­pants and staff that provides options for various personal dietary restric­tions (vege­tar­ian, vegan, reli­gious, food aller­gies, etc.) This posi­tion relies on collab­o­ra­tion, strong commu­ni­ca­tion skills, excel­lent orga­ni­za­tion, atten­tion to detail, and the ability to work as part of a team while manag­ing multi­ple tasks flexibly.

Lead Cook

The lead cooks are second in command and respon­si­ble for the kitchen when the head chef is not present. Lead cooks are respon­si­ble for leading daily shifts and dele­gat­ing tasks to prep cooks, ensur­ing that prep is done correctly and effi­ciently and that meals go out on time and are appro­pri­ately prepared. They must know complete cleaning/​closing proce­dures and food safety proto­cols. The lead cook is respon­si­ble for commu­ni­cat­ing with guests about dietary restric­tions and dining hall proto­cols when the chef is not present. 


The baker is respon­si­ble for prep­ping, storing, and baking all cookies/​desserts/​baked goods for the week, includ­ing prepped cookies and desserts for their days off. The baker needs to be aware of the current guests’ dietary restric­tions and ensure vegan/g­luten-free/al­ler­gen-free options are avail­able as needed. The baker is also respon­si­ble for receiv­ing and storing all orders and keeping the walk-in, pantry, and freez­ers clean and orga­nized. This requires the ability to lift 50 pounds.

Prep Cook

Prep cooks are respon­si­ble for assist­ing the lead cook with any tasks needed for the day’s meals and prep­ping for the coming days. The prep cook’s job is to ensure the salad bar, break­fast bar, and break­fast prep are ready for the follow­ing day and to commu­ni­cate with the head chef or lead cook if anything is missing. Prep cooks will also help the dish­washer put away dishes after meals, sweep the dining room, wipe down dining tables, and restock the coffee bar after each meal.


The dish­washer is respon­si­ble for keeping the dish­line clear during meal prep and doing dishes after each meal. Addi­tion­ally, the dish­washer is respon­si­ble for doing the kitchen’s laundry, clean­ing the dining hall after meals when possi­ble, and keeping the coffee bar clean and stocked. 

The posi­tions are seasonal and part-time, with 20 – 30 hours per week and bi-weekly compen­sa­tion. These posi­tions are not eligi­ble for benefit cover­age. Hourly compen­sa­tion is: Lead cook $30-$35/hour; Baker/​Pantry $25-$30/hour; Prep Cook $20-$25/hour; Dish­washer $20-$25/hour.

Haystack’s program­ming season runs from late April to late October. Kitchen staff may be hired for a portion or the entire program­ming season, based on timing, avail­abil­ity, and role. Please indi­cate your preferred avail­abil­ity in your appli­ca­tion cover letter. 

Addi­tional bene­fits include on-campus meals and limited staff housing, which is avail­able and assigned at the discre­tion of the Head Chef, with approval by the Executive Director. 

How to Apply

The dead­line to apply for this posi­tion is Friday, February 7.

Email a resume, cover letter address­ing rele­vant expe­ri­ence, inter­est in a specific posi­tion, and avail­abil­ity for the program­ming calen­dar, as well as contact infor­ma­tion for three refer­ences to employment@​haystack-​mtn.​org with the subject heading Kitchen Staff Appli­ca­tion, [Your Name].” All attached files must be in PDF format and labeled to include your last name. No phone calls, please.
