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Sculptural Mirror Frames (Session 6: August 24 – 30) Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Explore the elements of design to create a sculp­tural mirror frame of your own design. Learn the process of brick­lay lami­na­tion and various shaping tech­niques such as using rasps and files, abra­sive tools, and routers. Instruc­tor: Lacey Carnahan
Carnahan Haystack 2025 1

In this work­shop, we will spend time explor­ing the elements of design to create a sculp­tural mirror frame of your own design. Partic­i­pants will learn how to make patterns for various elements of your frames, how to safely use station­ary power tools to mill rough lumber, and produce the stock for build­ing your frame. Partic­i­pants will learn the process of brick­lay lami­na­tion, as well as various shaping tech­niques such as using rasps and files, abra­sive tools, and routers. All levels welcome.

Lacey Carna­han (she/​her) studied Ceram­ics and Sculp­ture at the Univer­sity of Wash­ing­ton. After receiv­ing a BFA she went on to receive an AAS in Cabi­net­mak­ing from Seattle Central College. Since then, Carna­han has explored many differ­ent types of wood­work­ing from sawyer­ing to boat­build­ing and trim carpen­try. Today, she special­izes in custom cabi­netry and furni­ture with a focus on tradi­tional joinery tech­niques. When Carna­han isn’t working in her home shop in Chimacum, WA, she teaches woodworking.
